Where does our fat go when we lose weight?

Ask anyone where our fat goes when we lose weight and you may get a different answer from every person. Here is the answer in a fascinating Ted Talk.

Why is this relevant to swimming other than swimming is exercise?

Swimming is one of the top exercises for burning calories. I’m not talking about casual swimming. I’m talking about a serious lap workout. There are many reasons for this…

  1. The more you hold your breath when you swim the more you are increasing your ability to convert fat and exhale it!

  2. The water is pushing against all sides of your body so your body is using more muscles to propel you through the water and to keep you balanced.

  3. The water is colder than your body. Your body is constantly working to keep your vital organs warm. At least you are not sweating through a swimming workout!!

There are so many more reasons than what I’ve listed above, but #1 alone is enough to keep me motivated to hold my breath as long as I can while swimming to boost my metabolism and increase my cardiovascular strength.


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